I'm preaching mainly on the Book of Esther tomorrow, and how her journey makes me think of "a hero's journey" re: Joseph Campbell. What it means to be on a hero's journey, and how we are all on this journey. Also looking at the need to celebrate moments of salvation, and for Christians, the salvation we know through the journey of Jesus.
This blog is written by the Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith, a priest of the Episcopal Church. The title, Angels in the Alley, refers to experiences of grace in places or circumstances that are out-of-the-way, unexpected, or often experienced as dark.

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Mobile App for St. Paul's on-the-Hill
SPOTH Mobile App
Now available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch! Search for 'spoth' in the App Store. Also available for Android phones and tablets...search for 'spoth' in the Play Store.
Now available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch! Search for 'spoth' in the App Store. Also available for Android phones and tablets...search for 'spoth' in the Play Store.
Sermon from Sunday Sept. 9, 2012
Healing, Hope, and Wholeness
This sermon could also be called: Poverty and Community
Given by the Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
This sermon could also be called: Poverty and Community
Given by the Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Sermon Preview for Sept. 9, 2012
"Healing, Hope, and Wholeness"
I'm considering issues of poverty and community in the context of our faith. Join us at 8am or 10:30am to hear this sermon live! Join us also to experience some of what I have to say about community.
I'm considering issues of poverty and community in the context of our faith. Join us at 8am or 10:30am to hear this sermon live! Join us also to experience some of what I have to say about community.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Weekly Announcements for September 7, 2012
The E-pistle for September 7th, 2012
A weekly newsletter from
St. Paul’s on-the-Hill
Choir is back!
Come to rehearsal at 9:15am this
Newcomers to the choir are most
for all Sunday School Teachers this Sunday immediately following the 10:30am
service in the Library.
recently ordered will be done in two weeks.
remember to turn in $10 for a short-sleeved shirt and $15 for long. Thanks!
Next Celtic Eucharist
Saturday, September 22, 5:00 p.m.
Join us for special music and
prayers from the Celtic tradition.
15th Sunday after Pentecost
9, 2012
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
9:15 a.m. – Choir Practice
9:15 a.m. Adult Ed – Bible Challenge
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
11:30 a.m. Fellowship Time
Your Offering Does/Church Finances - Thank you for your
offerings, which enabled us to provide food to 279 individuals through our
Food Pantry last Sunday.
Retreat at Shrine Mont, September 14-16. The theme of the retreat will be “Your Story and God’s Story” The cost
is $138.00 and includes all conference fees and materials, room for 2 nights,
6 meals, and the beautiful setting of Shrine Mont. Registration for the retreat
is now closed. Please turn in a check for the cost to the church if you are
attending the retreat. Thanks!
Inquirers and Adult Confirmation Class –Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Meets through October 24th. We are using the book, Your Faith, Your
Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jenifer Gamber. Bishop Shannon will be with us on Sunday,
October 28th, in the afternoon (time TBA), to confirm and receive.
Night Service Returns – Join us for the Holy Eucharist with prayers for
healing, 7-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday.
If desired, you can receive the laying-on-of-hands from our clergy for
physical, spiritual, and/or emotional healing for yourself or another.
Prayer & Labyrinth Walk – Centering prayer on
Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Labyrinth Walk at 9:55 a.m.
Bible Study
– at 10:15 a.m. All are welcome. Currently studying the Parables.
for Sunday School Teachers – will be held this Sunday immediately
following the 10:30 service in the library.
practice - will
resume on Sunday, September 9th at 9:15 a.m. in the sanctuary. Everyone is invited,
whether you've sung with us in the past or not.
Confirmation Classes - for Middle School and High School youth, will meet on
Saturdays at 4:00pm - 4:45pm beginning September 22nd through October
22nd. Our rector, Hilary, will be leading the class. Those who are juniors or
seniors in High School also have the option of taking the adult class. Please
let Hilary know if you/your child is interested.
Youth Group – for all middle and
high school youth and their friends begins on September 22nd with
gleaning. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at SPOTH
or at 9 a.m. at Marker Miller Orchard, 3035 Cedar Creek Grade Road, to collect apples for
the hungry.
Eucharist Returns - on Saturday September 22nd, 5pm, and the first
Saturday service will be the Celtic Eucharist.
– for children begins on Sunday, September 23rd. The children gather with the priest at the
start of the 10:30 a.m. service for a blessing and then process out to Sunday
School in the parish hall.
of the Animals - in
celebration of St. Francis' Day (Oct. 4), will be on Saturday,
October 6th as part of the 5pm Eucharist and will be celebrated outside
on and around our Labyrinth.
Adult Education thru September – the Bishop’s Bible Challenge discussion at
9:15am in the Library.
Bible Study – In
lieu of our usual Bible Study we will be participating in the Bishop’s Bible
Challenge. All are welcome to join us
at 12:30 p.m. in the Library.
Youth Blog!
– We now have a blog dedicated to the youth of our church - http://spothyouth.blogspot.com/
blog is to be for the youth...to give them info and as a place where they can
exchange ideas, make comments, Hilary also invites any of them to write a
post for the blog...just send it to her and she will post it...it can be
about anything he or she would like to share, within reason of course :)
App -
for our church now available on Android systems and soon for iPhone and iPad,
search SPOTH in app stores to find it.
The St. Paul's Table
Food Pantry for September was extremely busy . We want to
thank everyone that helped at the pantry. There were 13 people today that
worked the pantry. A very special
Thank You to everyone. Also to
everyone that purchased bags, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., thank you again. It means so much to the people we serve.
This month we had a total of 279 individuals
(THE MOST WE'VE EVERY HAD!), which included 120 children, 134 adults, 25
elderly and 81 households served. We
gave out every bag we had along with every vegetable and meat . Toward the end not everyone received a
bag. We really need hamburger (one
pound packages), hot dogs, cereal or oatmeal.
For the month of October, I would like to put
the word out for peanut butter and pasta. It is quite costly even at the food
The clothing ministry,
Mobile Clothing Industry, run by Cindy and Sonny
Larrick, did very well. So many people
received free clothing. They even had
quite a shoe department. They will be
back for the October food pantry with Winter items. If you have clothes that you are giving
away, please bring it to the church for the Mobile Clothing Ministry. You can leave it in the back room next to
the nursery. Thanks so much.
For more information, please contact Linda
Binder, 540-665-0675 or lbinder798@comcast.net.
Men’s Rescue Mission
Ministry – This takes place the last Sun. of each month,
our members prepare & serve a meal at the Men’s Mission, Cameron St. If you can help or for more information,
contact Scott Lang (smlnva@aol.com, 540- 662-0216).
Outreach Opportunities - Gleaning - on Saturday, September 22nd at
Marker Miller Orchard; and the Crop Walk in Winchester on Sunday,
October 7th. Our Youth Group will take part in these activities and
younger children are also welcome to walk with their parent or other adult.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Wonderful Wednesdays
Starting on Wednesday Sept. 5th, we are offering many opportunities to connect with God and people at church. Starting this Wednesday and meeting every Wednesday:
9:30am Centering Prayer - silent prayer in the church
9:55am Labyrinth Walk - on our outdoor paving-stone Labyrinth with others
10:15am Bible Study
7:00pm Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing
7:30pm Adult Inquirers', Newcomers, Confirmation Class
We are using the book Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
by Jenifer Gamber, which can be purchased on Kindle
The class meets every Wednesday through October 24th.
9:30am Centering Prayer - silent prayer in the church
9:55am Labyrinth Walk - on our outdoor paving-stone Labyrinth with others
10:15am Bible Study
7:00pm Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing
7:30pm Adult Inquirers', Newcomers, Confirmation Class
We are using the book Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
by Jenifer Gamber, which can be purchased on Kindle
The class meets every Wednesday through October 24th.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Report from Sunday's Food Pantry
The St. Paul's on-the-Hill Food Pantry is held the first Sunday of each month, from 1pm to 3pm.
The St. Paul's Table Food Pantry for September was extremely busy . We want to thank everyone that helped at the pantry. There were 13 people today that worked the pantry. A very special Thank You to everyone. Also to everyone that purchased bags, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., thank you again. It means so much to the people we serve.
This month we had a total of 279 individuals (THE MOST WE'VE EVERY HAD!), which included 120 children, 134 adults, 25 elderly and 81 households served.
We gave out every bag we had along with every vegetable and meat . Toward the end not everyone received a bag. We really need hamburger (one pound packages), hot dogs, cereal or oatmeal.
For the month of October, I would like to put the word out for peanut butter and pasta. It is quite costly even at the food bank.
The clothing ministry, Mobile Clothing Industry, run by Cindy and Sonny Larrick, did very well. So many people received free clothing. They even had quite a shoe department.
They will be back for the October food pantry with Winter items. If you have clothes that you are giving away, please bring it to the church for the Mobile Clothing Ministry. You can leave it in the back room next to the nursery. Thanks so much.
Linda Binder
St. Paul's Table
For more information, please contact Linda Binder lbinder798@comcast.net.
The St. Paul's Table Food Pantry for September was extremely busy . We want to thank everyone that helped at the pantry. There were 13 people today that worked the pantry. A very special Thank You to everyone. Also to everyone that purchased bags, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., thank you again. It means so much to the people we serve.
This month we had a total of 279 individuals (THE MOST WE'VE EVERY HAD!), which included 120 children, 134 adults, 25 elderly and 81 households served.
We gave out every bag we had along with every vegetable and meat . Toward the end not everyone received a bag. We really need hamburger (one pound packages), hot dogs, cereal or oatmeal.
For the month of October, I would like to put the word out for peanut butter and pasta. It is quite costly even at the food bank.
The clothing ministry, Mobile Clothing Industry, run by Cindy and Sonny Larrick, did very well. So many people received free clothing. They even had quite a shoe department.
They will be back for the October food pantry with Winter items. If you have clothes that you are giving away, please bring it to the church for the Mobile Clothing Ministry. You can leave it in the back room next to the nursery. Thanks so much.
Linda Binder
St. Paul's Table
For more information, please contact Linda Binder lbinder798@comcast.net.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Weekly Announcements
What Your Offering Does/Church Finances - Thank you for your offerings, which enable us to help our wider community in many ways: hosting scouts and support groups, through our Food Pantry, Men’s Rescue Mission, Prayer Shawls, gleaning, clothes drives and more!
Rector’s Discretionary Fund – the loose plate offering will go the Rector’s discretionary fund, which is most often used to help church members who are having financial challenges.
SAVE THE DATE & SIGN UP TODAY! - Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont, September 14-16. The theme of the retreat will be “Your Story and God’s Story” The cost is $138.00 and includes all conference fees and materials, room for 2 nights, 6 meals, and the beautiful setting of Shrine Mont. The program will be led by Hilary and will help you reflect individually and, if desired, with others about God’s presence in your life. Time for centering prayer, walking the labyrinth, and daily Celtic prayers will also be offered. There will be time to relax, hike, sleep, read, and get to know each other more deeply.
Newcomers, Inquirers and Adult Confirmation Class – Begins Wednesday, September 5th, 7:30-8:30 p.m. and will meet for eight weeks. We are using the book, Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jenifer Gamber. Sign-up sheet for class and the book is in the mailbox table in the Narthex. The book is also available on Kindle. Bishop Shannon will be with us on Sunday, October 28th, in the afternoon (time TBA), to confirm and receive those who want to make an adult affirmation of faith and become Episcopalian to the fullest extent possible.
Wednesday Night Service Returns – on Wednesday, September 5th, join us for the Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing, 7-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. If desired, you can receive the laying-on-of-hands from our clergy for physical, spiritual, and/or emotional healing for yourself or another.
Centering Prayer & Labyrinth Walk – Centering prayer resumes onSeptember 5th at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Labyrinth Walk at 9:55 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study –will resume Wednesday, September 5th at 10:15 a.m.
Book Club – Next meeting is Thursday, September 6th at the home of Amanda Epperson, 7pm; we will discuss Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler.
Choir practice - will resume on Sunday, September 9th at 9:15a.m. in the sanctuary. Everyone is invited, whether you've sung with us in the past or not.
Youth Confirmation Classes - for Middle School and High School youth, will meet on Saturdays at 4:00pm - 4:45pm beginning September 22ndthrough October 22nd. Our rector, Hilary, will be leading the class. Those who are juniors or seniors in High School also have the option of taking the adult class. Please let Hilary know if you/your child is interested.
Youth Group – for all middle and high school youth and their friends begins on September 22nd with gleaning. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at SPOTH or at 9 a.m. at Marker Miller Orchard, 3035 Cedar Creek Grade Road, to collect apples for the hungry.
Saturday Eucharist Returns - on Saturday September 22nd, 5pm, and the first Saturday service will be the Celtic Eucharist.
Sunday School – for children begins on Sunday, September 23rd. The children gather with the priest at the start of the 10:30 a.m. service for a blessing and then process out to Sunday School in the parish hall.
Blessing of the Animals - in celebration of St. Francis' Day (Oct. 4), will be on Saturday, October 6th as part of the 5pm Eucharist and will be celebrated outside on and around our Labyrinth.
St. Paul's Table Food Pantry –The Food Pantry is the first Sun. of each month, 1-3 pm. Donate to the pantry by bringing meat for our freezer or a bag of apples or potatoes or other food items. For more information contact Linda Binder, 540-665-0675 or lbinder798@comcast.net
Local Clothing Closet – will be distributing clothing to those in need during the Food Pantry this Sunday.
Men’s Rescue Mission Ministry – This takes place the last Sun. of each month, our members prepare & serve a meal at the Men’s Mission, Cameron St. If you can help or for more information, contact Scott Lang (smlnva@aol.com, 540- 662-0216).
Additional Outreach Opportunities - Gleaning - on Saturday, September 22nd at Marker Miller Orchard; and the Crop Walk in Winchester on Sunday, October 7th. Our Youth Group will take part in these activities and younger children are also welcome to walk with their parent or other adult.
Sunday Adult Education thru September – the Bishop’s Bible Challenge discussion at 9:15am in the Library.
Tuesday Bible Study – In lieu of our usual Bible Study we will be participating in the Bishop’s Bible Challenge. All are welcome to join us at 12:30 p.m. in the Library.
New Youth Blog! - I have just started a blog dedicated to the youth of our church - http://spothyouth.blogspot.
I intend this blog to be for the youth...to give them info and as a place where they can exchange ideas, make comments, I also invite any of them to write a post for the blog...just send it to me and I will post it...it can be about anything he or she would like to share, within reason of course :)
Mobile App - for our church now available on Android systems and soon for iPhone and iPad, search “SPOTH” in app stores to find it.
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