Dear Friends,
I will post to this blog again! I do want to finish my story of my angel in the alley and reflect upon other experiences of grace in unexpected places. I have also established a Facebook closed group by this name, which I plan to make available in the next month.
Right now I am primarily posting to my new blog for my new church Holy Comforter. You can sign up to follow that blog as well...links to my sermons are found there, along with many interesting reflections and me and others. You can find the blog here
Life Together
I hope that you are well!
This blog is written by the Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith, a priest of the Episcopal Church. The title, Angels in the Alley, refers to experiences of grace in places or circumstances that are out-of-the-way, unexpected, or often experienced as dark.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
In God's Time
I am delighted to announce that I have been called to be Priest-in-Charge of Holy Comforter, Richmond, in the Diocese of Virginia. Everything in God's time. I'm coming home to Richmond and to a church I have loved since I was a summer intern there in 1999!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Women's Retreat May 31 - June 2
I'm looking forward to leading the Women's Retreat at Shrine Mont this weekend. To see the full flyer go here:
Monday, May 20, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Women's Retreat, Shrine Mont May 31 - June 2, 2013
I will be leading a retreat for women at the Shrine Mont Retreat Center in Orkney Springs VA, Friday May 31 to June 2, 2013. This retreat is open to all women -- it is not connected to a particular parish but is an offering of Shrine Mont. Here is the plan for our time together:
Women at the Well: Deepening Relationship with God and Self
Take time away from the busy routine of life to enter a special time of encounter with God as we reflect on our lives and relationships. God is with us in every moment of every day, but how often do we have time to savor the moments of grace that we have known? When Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:7-19), he offered a new life grace. When we come to the well of our lives with God, what will the Spirit share with us? What wisdom does God have for us? The retreat will include reflections by Hilary, as well as opportunities for silence, group Celtic prayer, personal prayer, journaling, art, small group sharing, walking the Labyrinth, Centering Prayer, and individual spiritual direction. All activities are optional. Suggestions for prayer will include the use of scripture; bringing a Bible is recommended.
For additional information and to register: Women at the Well Retreat
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Surprised by Grace
I have discerned that I am not called to monastic life after
all. When I left my position as rector of St. Paul’s on-the-Hill, I believed
that God was calling me to be a postulant with the Society of St. Margaret in
Massachusetts, where I would have the opportunity to discern if I was being
called to a life-long commitment to their order. What happened really surprised
me (a sure sign that I’m letting go of control and really listening/hearing
God). As soon as I left St. Paul’s on-the-Hill, I felt more open to God and God’s
will for me. I went on a seven-day silent directed retreat at the Jesuit Center
in Wernersville PA a on January 7th. The picture of the tree in the
fog was taken during the retreat. Early in the morning, I would wake up to this
fog surrounding the grounds and the retreat center, which spoke to me of God’s
loving embrace…the Holy Spirit surrounding me with care and a gentleness.
During the retreat, I realized that I had made the decision
to go to the convent (apply to go) based on good reasons; it was reasonable for
me, but not based on an actual call from God. So I prayed about what had
caused me to think I was called to monastic life, and in the prayer I knew it
had to do with wanting to serve God with the sort of devotion that the Sisters
have…I too wanted to be transformed to God’s greater glory so as to live my
life to God’s glory and in the service of others. In this prayer, God was
helping me with what we, in spiritual direction, call the discernment of
spirits. The idea being that we are called by God to live life to the fullest
and that everyone is called to glorify God in his or her life, and that to do
so we have to make choices.
In order to know what to choose, we take part in a process
of discernment. In the lives of those who are seeking to do God’s will –seeking
to be faithful followers of Christ—we can be faced with two good choices…either
one could be good for us and good for the world. But as St. Ignatius said, we
are called to what is most in tune with God’s purpose for us, which always has
something to do with freeing us to be more fully ourselves and to be servants
to others. This is what I knew I was being called to address on the retreat, and
I felt the freedom to do so, and the grace to have the courage to do so. It has
taken courage for me because I’m the sort of person who does not change a plan
that has been made and publicized widely, including being reported in the Virginia Episcopalian!
I wanted to go the convent. But, in my prayer, I received a clear sense from God, direction from God, to continue to live my life in “the world” and not go to the convent. Instead, I heard God say to me that I am being transformed now, in the life I live, in the life God has given me as the person God has created me to be, right here and now. I share this with you because I know some of you want to know more than can be put on Facebook, or that I wanted to put on Facebook, and also because what has been going on in my life has taught me a lot about discernment and perhaps hearing my story will be helpful to you in your discernment now or later.
As well, this was an “angel in the alley” experience
for me, in that I experienced grace in an unexpected way. I’m living now with a
deep sense of joy and freedom even though all of my plans have, in a sense,
fallen apart. But in my plans falling away, I’m more able to live my life for
God and be more fully the person God has created me to be…more than ever.
Monday, February 25, 2013
An Outsider
The angel in the alley made an impression on me when I was a young girl. Why did it? What was that? I saw the angel in the stained-glass window from the outside only. Did I feel the energy and the power of God, the love of God, reaching out to me, using this angel in a stained-glass window? God will use the circumstances of our lives to connect with us. I never saw the inside of that church, or the angel in her full glory, with bright colors, as visible from the inside. I was always looking at that icon from the outside. I was an outsider when it came to the Church, organized parents were going to save me from all that...all the negative aspects of the Church as an institution. I never saw the inside of that church, as a child. We left Winchester when I was seven years old; my mom and dad and I moved to Miami. We left, but the angel never left me.
Monday, February 11, 2013
An Angel in one Alley
God connects with us all the time through what we know and the circumstances of our lives. Praying about what has happened to us in the past gives God a chance to show us more than we could understand at the time. A prayer experience that I had a few years ago on retreat is the inspiration for this writing project, "Angels in the Alley." In this post, I will share the experience that happened in the 1970s, and in future posts, more will be shared about my experience. As the blog develops, concepts about God, knowing God, experiencing God, will be considered in a way that I hope will be helpful to you as you reflect on your relationship with God.
When I was a little girl living in Winchester Virginia, my Dad and I would walk our dog around the streets and side-streets of Old Town Winchester. We often walked down what I thought of as an alley, a bit of an out-of-the-way area, away from the cars and other people. A pocket of silence in a busy world. As I think about it now, it feels still. We walked by this large building, I'm not sure if I knew it was church when I was four years old, but it was. We walked by, and I would look up, and I would see this angel, right there, and I thought of her as "my angel," (probably not "her" but to me she was). I don't remember thinking about the angel much when we weren't walking by that church, but the image and the memory never left me.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Angels in the Alley - New Title
Greetings Friends,
My blog now has a new title, Angels in the Alley, which refers to experiences of grace in places that are out-of-the-way, unexpected, or often experienced as dark.
My blog now has a new title, Angels in the Alley, which refers to experiences of grace in places that are out-of-the-way, unexpected, or often experienced as dark.
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