Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Body of Christ

There are so many terms that we use in the church that are not easily understood by many. The Body of Christ refers to the members of the church. All who have been baptized are members of the Body of Christ. As such, we are always connected with each other. As such, we seek to serve as Jesus did; we feed the hungry, visit the sick, welcome the stranger, and show compassion in many other ways.

When members of our church move, we are sad but we understand that God is sending them forth as members of the Body of Christ to serve in another place. On Sunday, we sent two of our teenage members off to Texas. This is the prayer we used during the service:

Your Spirit, O God, keeps us moving ever forward in faith as you call us to new places and new beginnings. Your servant Lindsay and your servant Katie are leaving the home they have known to make a new place home. We give thanks for all the good times we have had together at St. Paul’s on-the-Hill, for the friendships we have made, and the ministry we have shared. May they go forth from here in your service to share the grace we have known with others.

Lindsay and Katie, we promise you our continued prayers as we send you forth to share the light of Christ with all. Go forth in faith, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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