Saturday, October 3, 2009

Looking to Job for Spiritual Direction

This weekend's sermon is on the Book of Job. Job was a very good and faithful man, and he was a successful man. But one of the heavenly court of God, Satan, the Accuser, states that Job is only faithful to God because his life is good. What would Job be like if his life fell apart - would he still love the Lord?

Job is a great model for us in that he does question God as to why he appears to be crused - Job loses everything and becomes ill. It is in the truth of his emotions and feelings that God and Job have a really heart to heart conversation. God does answer Job - not in the way Job expected, but that ends up not mattering. What does matter is that Job experiences God, that God does come to him, and that gives Job the hope and peace he needs to handle the ups and downs of life.

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