Saturday, October 24, 2009

To Really See

This week's sermon focuses on Bartimaeus and what it means to really see what Jesus and the spiritual life are all about. Bartimaeus was blind; he knew Jesus could help him. Jesus, who went to every one's help, asks that Bartimaeus come to him. And then Jesus asks him, "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asks, if there could be any question - but it was important for the man to tell Jesus want he really desired. His sight is restored and he follows Jesus without question - unlike Jesus' closest followers who had been arguing about who was the greatest among them.

Bartimaeus regains his sight and immediately follows Jesus. He does not wonder if he should go at that moment or worry about the trip, he is able to see and knows that he wants to be with Jesus. This story is in shape contrast to the accounts we have been reading about Jesus’ closest followers and friends not knowing what to do or understanding what Jesus was trying to tell them. It is ironic that the man who could not see…sees the most even before he regains his sight. He knows who Jesus is what that means for him, the difference Jesus could make for him. Then he regains his sight and follows Jesus. Seeing leads to action. Seeing is not just for its own sake for also for what will come next.

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