Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Present and the Future - this week's sermon

As much as I would love to control the future, I know that's not happening. Just staying connected to everything going on the present can be a challenge. In the Gospel reading this week, Jesus cautions his followers about listening to those who talk about the end of time. Do not be led astray, Jesus warns.

We also have a reading from the Book of Daniel. Daniel speaks about an apocalypse when the resurrection will occur. While he is talking about the future, Daniel's words are really meant to bring comfort those in the present who are suffering. The point being, that ultimately God will bring justice, and ultimately the righteous will have all that they deserve in God's kingdom.

It is amazing to me that so many have taken these readings and used them to incite fear in others - sometimes to control members of religious groups and sometimes to exploit the fear for personal gain. There is actually a website, Eternal Earth-Bound Pets that offers to take care of your pets after the rapture. It costs only $110 for the first pet and $15 for each additional pet. The $110 fee is good for ten years, if the rapture does not come in that time, you have to pay $110 more, and so on every ten years.

Jesus encourages us to focus on the present, and trust that God will take care of the future.

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