Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rejoice....this week's sermon

OK, so John the Baptist calls the people a bunch of snakes...what is he getting at and does this approach with people work. Well, John was saying that just because the people were coming to him for baptism, he did not believe that they were serious about it. If they were serious, John expected to see some changes in their sharing with those in need and not taking more in taxes than people were actually required to give. John was kind of harsh, but his central messages was about Jesus and it was Good News. Jesus would be their Savior. That is something to rejoice about...and, for us today, to share in ways that can be understood by those who don't go to church.

In his book, They Like Jesus But Not The Church, Dan Kimball explains that many people don't see joy, love, compassion when they look at churches or know from their church experience. How can we let our gentleness be known to everyone? May this Christmas be a time when many do see the joy that we share and know through our Savior Jesus Christ.

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