Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Are you awake out there?

Hi! I wonder of anyone has noticed that I stopped writing the blog back in Lent? Yes, Alisha (spoth website and all around church tech), I know you have. Now that it is July (the end of the July) and I'm back from three weeks of vacation, I think I have the energy to blog again! Lent was not a good time for the blogging, after a certain point. What has happened since then?

We have another priest at St. Paul's on-the-Hill! The Rev. Dr. Ellen Richardson is now priest-in-residence. She is bi-vocational, working as a Hospice doctor all week and then serves with us as she is able on the weekends. She just covered the services for my vacation, for which I am so thankful. It is great to have Ellen and her husband Mark as part of our church family.

We also have an additional preacher! The Rev. Bruce Gallup is a retired United Methodist pastor and now a part of our church. Bruce preaches about every six weeks. It is great to have Bruce and his wife Ellen as part of the ministry team. Many thanks to Bruce for preaching one of the weekends I was on vacation.

Lots more has happened since March...more on that later. Peace!

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