Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcoming New Folks to SPOTH

On Sunday October 23, 2011, we welcomed 12 persons to St. Paul's on-the-Hill. Here are six of them. More details will be given in the November newsletter. This is prayer used during the 10:30am service to welcome the people:

Loving God, we give thanks for these people who have found St. Paul's on-the-Hill to be the right faith community for them. We know that every person who comes to church here and takes part in our ministry contributes to all that we can do for you and our world. Bless them as they continue to become part of this church, and help us who have been here for a longer time to welcome them and support them in their faith journey. All this we ask in the name of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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