Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pictures from Sunday, November 20, 2011

We had a wonderful celebration with Bishop Ted (Gulick) today. Pictured with Bp. Ted and me are Daria, who was received into the Episcopal Church, and Matt who was baptized (and confirmed as he received the Episcopal laying-on-of-hands as part of his baptism). We also had five persons who reaffirmed their baptismal vows: Alisha, Bill, William, Lee, and Glen. Over 100 attended the service, and many stayed for the Parish Thanksgiving Lunch. We gave Bp. Ted a SPOTH Labyrinth T-shirt, which you see him wearing during the lunch. Also attending the lunch were the Rev. Ralph Bayfield and the Rev. Maeva Bayfield, who are now part of our community. Lokie and Grace Voight received a special blessing from the bishop during the service in celebration of their 62nd wedding anniversary.

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