Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sermon Preview for Feb. 12, 2012

Your Story and God's Story

How does your story shape what you think about life? This week we have the story of Naaman, 2 Kings 5:1-14; Naaman was a powerful man who was used to getting what he wanted by his own force of will, power, and money. But one day, he realizes that he cannot cure himself in the usual ways. He is forced to start looking at life in new ways, and as a result, opens himself to the grace of God. Some of our stories or the stories we have been told about ourselves are helpful, but many are not. How does God's story, as we learn from the Bible, connect with our story? Could the stories that we have been telling ourselves, or have been told about ourselves, limit our openness to grace? Come to church this week and every week to hear the stories that shape us and form us as people of faith.

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