Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to School Prayers

Back to School Prayer for
I wrote three of these and adapted the one for Educators. 
Loving God, we give you thanks for all students, the youngest and the oldest, help them to know of your companionship with them as they go to school and as they seek to learn. Help them know of the gifts you have given them, and give them joy in the possibilities that await them this year…new friends, deeper friendships with those they already know, new knowledge and new challenges. We pray for them, and that your blessing be upon them and that your Spirit guide on the first day of the new school year, and every day that follows; through Jesus Christ our Savior and our Friend. Amen.

Educators – adapted from Jane Deren
As I step into a new academic year,
Restore my spirit.
Renew my passion for sharing knowledge
And nurture my compassion
for those You put in my charge.
Transform me as I seek to transform:
Guide me as I seek to guide;
Open my mind and heart
As I seek to open minds and hearts.
Help me listen more deeply
To the world and to your Word,
So I can walk with my students,
Attentive to the your Wisdom.  Amen.
O God, you are our Divine Parent, our Father/our Mother in heaven…give to all parents wisdom and joy as they help and encourage their children in their studies, sports, and social relationships this year. Give them patience; give them insight; give them help as they seek to be the parents you are calling them to be; through Christ. Amen.

Blessing of Backpacks and other school-related items
O God, we pray for your blessing upon these backpacks and other school-related items, that those who use them may know of your presence with them…your love for them, and that you, O God, have called them to the ministry of learning, and of teaching, for their benefit and for the benefit of others. Amen. 

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