Sunday, September 2, 2012

Report from Sunday's Food Pantry

The St. Paul's on-the-Hill Food Pantry is held the first Sunday of each month, from 1pm to 3pm.

The St. Paul's Table Food Pantry for September was extremely busy . We want to thank everyone that helped at the pantry. There were 13 people today that worked the pantry. A very special Thank You to everyone.  Also to everyone that purchased bags, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., thank you again.   It means so much to the people we serve.

This month we had a total of 279 individuals (THE MOST WE'VE EVERY HAD!), which included 120 children, 134 adults, 25 elderly and 81 households served.

We gave out every bag we had along with every vegetable and meat .  Toward the end not everyone received a bag.  We really need hamburger (one pound packages), hot dogs, cereal or oatmeal.

For the month of October, I would like to put the word out for peanut butter and pasta.  It is quite costly even at the food bank.

The clothing ministry, Mobile Clothing Industry, run by Cindy and Sonny Larrick, did very well.  So many people received free clothing.  They even had quite a shoe department.

They will be back for the October food pantry with Winter items.  If you have clothes that you are giving away, please bring it to the church for the Mobile Clothing Ministry.  You can leave it in the back room next to the nursery.  Thanks so much.

Linda Binder

St. Paul's Table

For more information, please contact Linda Binder

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