Friday, October 5, 2012

Blessing of the Animals and other announcements

The E-pistle for October 5th, 2012
A weekly newsletter from
St. Paul’s on-the-Hill

Blessing of the Animals
Saturday Oct. 6, 5:00 p.m.
The weather is uncertain for tomorrow between 5pm and 6pm. If it is not raining, we will have the service outside with all the animals. If it is raining, we will have the service inside, with the readings and special prayers for St. Francis’ Day, but without the animals.
If we are inside, without our animals, there will be a special time to name our animals and bless them even though they are not there.

Saturday, October 6th
4:00 p.m.
Youth Confirmation Class
5:00 p.m.
Blessing of the Animals as part of the 5pm Eucharist and
will be celebrated outside on and around our Labyrinth
In celebration of St. Francis' Day (Oct. 4)

6:00 p.m.
Preparing for the Food Pantry
Help us pack bags to give out at our Food Pantry this Sunday. Thanks for helping!

October 6th                                         Holy Eucharist with the Blessing                               of the Animals
5:00 PM
Alisha King
Bruce Gallup
Alisha King
Sara Gallup
Bruce Gallup
The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith

The 19th Sunday after Pentecost
October 7, 2012

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
9:15 a.m. – Choir Practice
9:15 a.m. Adult Ed – Embracing a Life of Meaning
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30 a.m. Sunday School children ages 5-12   
11:30 a.m. Fellowship Time
1:00 p.m. Food Pantry

Serving  Sunday, October 7th:
8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Diane Fadley
Flonnie Williams
The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rite II
vestry person of the day:
Bonnie Crawford 
Steve Culbert & Mike Hummer
Steve Culbert & Mike Hummer
Mike Teore
(1st) Jenn Doney & (2nd) Bill Scott
Lokie Voight & Joanne Killough
Barbie Hummer
kitchen team leader:
Cindy Culbert
Sunday School:
Nicole Tassart & Cindy Culbert
The Rev. Dr. Ellen Richardson
The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary B. Smith
Wed. October 10th LEM/Reader:
Drew Myers

Sunday        7        8:00 a.m.     Holy Eucharist Rite II
                             9:15 a.m.     Choir Practice
                             9:15 a.m.     Adult Ed – Embracing a Life of          Meaning
                             10:30 a.m.   Holy Eucharist Rite II
                             10:30 a.m.   Sunday School children ages 5-12   
                             11:30 a.m.   Fellowship Time
                             1:00 p.m.     Food Pantry
Tuesday      9        12:30 p.m.   Bishop’s Bible Challenge
                             7:00 p.m.     Vestry Meeting
Wednesday 10      10:15 a.m.   Wednesday Bible Study
                             7:00 p.m.     Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing
                             7:30 p.m.     Newcomers, Inquirers and Adult Confirmation                                                    Class
Thursday    11      8:00 a.m.     TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
                             10:00 a.m.   Prayer Shawl Ministry
                             6:30 p.m.     Daisies Girl Scouts
Friday         12      9:30 a.m.     Centering Prayer
                             9:55 a.m.     Labyrinth Walk
Saturday     13      4:00 p.m.     Youth Confirmation Class
                             5:00 p.m.     Holy Eucharist with blend of music
Sunday        14      8:00 a.m.     Holy Eucharist Rite I
                             9:15 a.m.     Choir Practice
                             9:15 a.m.     Adult Ed – Embracing a Life of          Meaning
                             10:30 a.m.   Holy Eucharist Rite II
                             10:30 a.m.   Children’s Sunday School
                             11:30 a.m.   Fellowship Time


The altar flowers this weekend are given by Joan and Roger Inger
in thanksgiving for Marcia’s birthday and Colleen’s anniversary.


What Your Offering Does/Church Finances - Thank you for your offerings, which enable us to offer pastoral care to many people each week. 

Rector’s Discretionary Fund – the loose plate offering will go the Rector’s discretionary fund, which is most often used to help church members who are having financial challenges.

Next Vestry Meeting – Tuesday, October 9th at 7 p.m.

Newcomers, Inquirers and Adult Confirmation Class –Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m.  Meets through October 24th.  We are using the book, Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jenifer Gamber.  Bishop Shannon will be with us on Sunday, October 28th, at 2:00 p.m., to confirm and receive.

One Service Sunday and Bishop VisitationSunday, Oct. 28th at 2:00 p.m. - Bishop Shannon will be with us on Sunday, Oct. 28th to confirm and receive adults and youth.  We will have just one service that Sunday at 2:00 p.m. The service will be followed by a light reception. A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex to help with the reception and to indicate attendance.

Wednesday Night Service – Join us for the Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing, 7-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday.  If desired, you can receive the laying-on-of-hands from our clergy for physical, spiritual, and/or emotional healing for yourself or another.

Centering Prayer & Labyrinth Walk  – Join us for centering prayer on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Labyrinth Walk at 9:55 a.m. Centering prayer brings us deep into the life of God, and helps us to release, and heal from, what limits our freedom: anxiety, fear, worry.

Wednesday Bible Study – at 10:15 a.m.  All are welcome.  Currently studying the Parables.

Choir practice – Sundays at 9:15 a.m.  in the sanctuary. Everyone is invited, whether you've sung with us in the past or not.

Sunday School for children, ages 5 to 12 -  the children gather with the priest at the start of the 10:30 a.m. service for a blessing and then process out to Sunday School in the parish hall. Many thanks to the ten adults who are serving as Sunday School teachers this year.

Youth Confirmation Classes - for Middle School and High School youth, will meet on Saturdays at 4:00pm - 4:45pm through October 20th.

Next Celtic Service - October 27th at 5 p.m.

TRUNK OR TREAT! - October 30th at 6:00 p.m.  Come join us for a pot luck dinner, fellowship, marshmallow roasting, apple bobbing, witch pitch, and trunk or treat.  This is an evening for everyone!  SO, kids  Or no kids, please come and enjoy an evening of fun.  To end the evening, kids will go from car to car and gather candy from the trunks.  Decorations optional! Please bring a dish to share.  A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.

Sunday Adult Education in October – Join us on Sundays at 9:15am in the Library for a program led by Kathleen Norris (on DVD) entitled, “Embracing a Life of Meaning.”

Tuesday Bible Study – In lieu of our usual Bible Study we will be participating in the Bishop’s Bible Challenge.  All are welcome to join us at 12:30 p.m. in the Library.

New Youth Blog! – We now have a blog dedicated to the youth of our church -

Mobile App - for our church now available on Android systems and for Apple products: iPhone, iPad, and iPod. Search “SPOTH” in app stores to
find it.

St. Paul's Table Food Pantry –The Food Pantry is the first Sun. of each month, 1-3 pm. Donate to the pantry by bringing meat for our freezer or a bag of apples or potatoes or other food items.
The clothing ministry, Mobile Clothing Industry will be back for the November food pantry.  Thanks so much. For more information, please contact Linda Binder, 540-665-0675 or

Men’s Rescue Mission Ministry – This takes place the last Sun. of each month, our members prepare & serve a meal at the Men’s Mission, Cameron St.  If you can help or for more information, contact Scott Lang (, 540- 662-0216). 

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