Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ministry Celebration and Our Commitment for 2013

Ministry Celebration
This Saturday and Sunday during our services, as part of the sermon, we will be celebrating our ministries by reading some of the statements you have given us about what St. Paul’s on-the-Hill means to you/how our church has touched your life. We had a great response to requests for statements so not all can be read but all will be printed in our November newsletter. Thank you so much for your statements.

Making a Commitment to our shared
Ministry in 2013
In the next few days, you will be receiving, in the mail, a brochure that describes our ministries and how your financial offerings in 2012 have been used to fund these ministries. This brochure is part of our Ministry Celebration!
Inside the brochure is a commitment card (this is the card formerly known as the “pledge card”) for 2013. Please bring this card to one of our services the weekend of Nov. 3/4 and place it on the Altar during the time when we make our offerings to God.
Attached to each card is a piece of a puzzle of the stain-glass image of Jesus. When you turn in your card, your piece will be placed on the board to make the picture complete. This is symbolic of how Christ’s ministry through us can be complete when we all make a commitment. This Fall we are making our financial commitment.
In the Spring, we will celebrate and make our commitment
of time and talent.

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