Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sermon from the First Sunday in Advent

Beginnings and Endings

In the context of Advent, I discuss the endings and beginnings that our church is now going through following the announcement that I am concluding my ministry with the wonderful people of St. Paul's on-the-Hill on December 30, 2012. My leaving will be the first time a rector has left SPOTH under good circumstances. The two rectors before me left in the midst of conflict. Both times, the church suffered much pain and loss because of conflict. This time, we are having a good ending. That is significant, and a significant experience of grace! I pray that this time of transition and the final service will be a time of healing for many who have had bad experiences of clergy leaving or of endings in life that were handled in a less than graceful way. I really feel the Spirit in this time. Thanks be to God. 


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