Thursday, June 27, 2013

In God's Time

I am delighted to announce that I have been called to be Priest-in-Charge of Holy Comforter, Richmond, in the Diocese of Virginia. Everything in God's time. I'm coming home to Richmond and to a church I have loved since I was a summer intern there in 1999!



Brian Davis (former HOCO parishoner now in Lynchburg) said...

We've not met, but we share a love for a parish and its people that are like no other. Congratulations to you and to them as you embark on your collective journey in following the Spirit anew!

Nancy said...

My husband and I are members of Holy Comforter and are so thrilled that you have been called as our priest-in-charge.We are so eager to meet you and look forward to having you as a part of our wonderful parish. Nancy & Ed Deane

Hilary Smith said...

Thank you, Brian

Hilary Smith said...

Thank you, Nancy. I look forward to meeting you and Ed!