Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Glory of Giving and Caring

Last Sunday, one of our parish children presented a check to the church for our food pantry. She is 6 years old, and this summer organized a concert for the purpose of raising money to help people. She, one of her sisters, and another child from the church sang for a group of friends and family. When she handed me the check, saying it was for "the poor" I was struck by a deep sense of thankfulness for this child, and all who think of others before themselves. It was a beautiful moment. This was our "Stewardship Moment" for the Sunday, and it was one of the sweetest moments of stewardship that I have witnessed.


  1. looking forward to more stories from the Hill...

  2. I'm hoping to post a few times a week. I hope we get comments about the posts - I will respond them.
