Friday, September 26, 2008

We Really Do Welcome You

"The Episcopal Church Welcomes You," is a phrase seen on many Episcopal Church signs. I think that most churches say that they welcome all, but have a limit to how welcoming they will really be based on who they think you are. We are surrounded by big fundamentalist churches here in Winchester---St. Paul's on-the-Hill offers a distinctly different church experience. Often people who find the Episcopal Church are amazed that we really do welcome everyone. Often people who find our church have had negative experiences at other churches, and are amazed that there really is a faith community where they can feel comfortable. I am thankful that when I was a young adult I found the Episcopal Church - I had not known that such a church existed.

1 comment:

  1. many churches offer inclusion with the disclaimer that you are welcome as long as we fix you. You are accepted, if you fit our cookie cutter idea of a Christian. Since i was embraced, and "welcomed" at Saint Paul's, i've learned that i am made in the image of God and seen how diversity and love in this community truly make us the body of Christ.
