Thursday, December 11, 2008

God and Dogs

Last night Jonathan Bryan came to SPOTH to lead us in a discussion of his book Nonetheless, God Retrieves Us. The book is about Bryan's huge yellow Lab, Jocko, and how Jocko helps Bryan to understand the nature of God. All dog lovers, get this book. All who are interested in great metaphors that help us all understand God better, get this book. Like God, Jocko is "hardwired" to retrieve. Jocko cannot resist retrieving a stray tennis ball, even if it means risking his own safety by running into traffic. God will risk everything to retrieve us! As Bryan states, that is a great way to understand Jesus...hardwired to come to us and to be with us and to retrieve us even if it means risking everything. About 25 people came to our book group, the Rector's Read, last night. It was great to welcome Jonathan and his wife Judy to SPOTH -- and others who had come to hear Jonathan speak.

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