Friday, December 19, 2008

The Peace of Advent

Advent is coming to a close. This Sunday will be the 4th and last Sunday of Advent. The Gospel focuses on Mary; she is greeted by an angel who tells her that even though she is a virgin, she will be the mother of Jesus--for nothing is impossible with God. During Advent we have been preparing for the great gift of Jesus' birth. On Wednesdays during Advent, we have gathered to rest in the peace of God and prepare ourselves through prayers and communion. We have used the Episcopal Peace Fellowship's litany for Advent; I recommend it to you. It speaks of putting on the things of God--Advent is a time to put on the things of God. I think, however, that you can pray this litany at all times and benefit from it.

Litany by Rev. Gary Commins

O God, you inspired your servants the prophets with visions of a new earth, where wolf and lamb dwell together, where cries and weeping are uttered no more, and where elders are healthy and infants live in safety; inscribe your hopes in our hearts that casting away the works of darkness and putting on the armor of light, we may seek first your reign on earth, and prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ, our Deliverer. Amen.

That nation will not war against nation, that they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks

Let us cast away the works of violence

And put on the armor of peace

That the fruits of the earth will be distributed so that each will have their own vine and fig tree and none shall make them afraid

Let us cast away the works of greed

And put on the armor of justice

That our city/community will no more be called forsaken or desolate, but will be a place of light and glory

Let us cast away the works of neglect

And put on the armor of passion

That the Church will fulfill our mission to be ambassadors of reconciliation and emissaries of truth

Let us cast away the works of indifference

And put on the armor of the Spirit

That those who are ill will feel Jesus’ healing hand, those who hunger will taste the Bread of Life, and those scarred by violence will be given the balm of Christ’s wounds

Let us cast away the works of anguish

And put on the armor of love

That we may be blessed to be Christ’s hands, to share Christ’s feast, and to soothe Christ’s people; and that the blessings already in our lives and those yet to come will awaken us to your grace

Let us cast away the works of anxiety

And put on the armor of joy

That you will remember with mercy those who have died and embrace them with compassion


O God of hope, before we turn to you, you run to us, before we call out to you, you answer; by the might of your Spirit lift us from the numbing uncertainties of life to joyful expectation of Christ’s appearing that, when he comes again, he may meet us as people who anticipate his reign with eagerness and who welcome him with praise. Amen.

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