Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No Snow

It doesn't look like it will snow tonight. Too bad. Those Christmas Days I had in Vermont as a kid - now that was snow. But when I would visit my Dad in Miami FL for Christmas, well...not so much. Wherever we find ourselves tonight - snow or no snow, merry or not, - this is where God meets us. The birth of Jesus happened, in sense, so that it doesn't matter where you live or who you are, how much you have or how little. Jesus, our Emmanuel (which means God-with-us), was born for us all. Through Christ we know peace and joy - we see the signs of it all around when people choose to help instead of hurt - when the poor receive good things and the sick find comfort.

It's fine to hope for snow or to remember years past when Christmas seemed so perfect. But the story of Jesus' birth is a living reality that addresses the concrete situations in which we find ourselves. Jesus, the Light of the world, was born long ago to bring us close to God. Jesus, the Light of the world, seeks us still. Merry Christmas to all.

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