Friday, July 10, 2009

A Place for Your Children to Grow in Faith and Love

Come to St Paul ’s for three fun-filled nights -- Praying and Playing in Community -- for families with young children from infants up to age 10! People with older children –or with no children—are welcome to join in and help with the program.

Dates and Time: Tues, July 28-Thurs, July 30, 2009

6:30 to 8PM

Our goal is to build Christian community, both at church and at home.

Each evening will begin with a simple meal, followed by time for children to play together, a short program for adults, followed by a group activity with parents and children, ending with a brief closing worship.

We will be considering some ways that parents can pray with and for their children, we will travel together along the Christian way by learning about labyrinths and walking and playing on a labyrinth, and we will celebrate the fact that we who are many, are one body in Christ , by making bread together.

Everyone at St Paul ’s is invited to participate. Volunteers can help prepare, set up and clean up the simple evening meal each night. Volunteers can also help lead games for children for a thirty minute time period each night.

Please sign up if you plan to attend on any of these evenings, at church or by email Please email if you have questions or give us a call 540-667-8110. You can also sign up to volunteer.

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