Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Blog from the Hill Lives On

Hi everyone, those who wondered if I would ever blog again are now in shock.

I'm about to leave for church to lead the 7:00pm Eucharist with prayers for healing. This is one of my favorite services. It is small but powerful. We pray for everyone and anyone in need, those who care for them, and all who love them. If desired I also offer the laying on of heads for healing. This is also a communion service; through the sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood we also receive healing and are strengthened to deal with any problem, illness, or stress.

After the Eucharist, there will be a Stewardship Committee meeting. Stewardship is all about being aware that God has entrusted us with many gifts and resources to be used for the good of all. The Stewardship Committee works to communicate the joy of being a steward and the call to be stewards that we all have from God.

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